الأحد، 11 أكتوبر 2015

هالة محمد النوباني.. سيرة ذاتية

 هالة محمد النوباني.. سيرة ذاتية

عملت كرئيسة تحرير لمجلة براعم عمان الصادرة عن أمانة عمان الكبرى
صدر لي ثلاثة كتب للأطفال اثنان منها رسوم مصورة (comic books)
لي العديد من القصص المنشورة في المجلات الاردنية
اكتب قصصا للكبار في موقع سواليف أحمد حسن الزعبي
متقاعدة حاليا 

Deir Ghbar, Amman
Eng. Hala Mohammad Al Nobani

 A hegemonic, personality, Agricultural Engineer. Versatile, multitask, target oriented, hard working person. Excellent problem solving skills and swiftly identifies the root of any problem and develops an effective solution. Able to work with different personality profiles effectively and has good skills in leading people and encouraging them to get the best out of them.
  • Working in an environment where I can best utilize my skills to benefit others and make a difference in their lives.
  • Leaving a good impact and my personal imprint.
  • University of Jordan/ Amman 
·         Bachelor of agricultural Engineering, 1990

1.    Free lance blogger and writer at Swaleef website

2.    Editor in Chief for Baraem Amman Magazine 
Location: Greater Amman Municipality
Dates of Employment 2009 - 2014
1.    Plan strategies.
2.    Form and shape the content of the articles.
3.    Revise articles and may write headlines and captions.
4.    Be sure that the articles are the right length.
5.    Set themes.
6.    Plan the artwork, illustrations, and photos that go with each story.
7.    Work closely with the art and production departments to prepare and approve page layouts that carry out the magazine's visual or graphic style.
8.    Supervise writing, editing, and copyediting,
9.    Supervising the staff.
10.  Keep the magazine on schedule.
11.  Search for new professional freelancers (writers and illustrators(
12.  Supervise the distribution, (by finding new, channels create mailing lists).
Key Achievements:
1.    Improved the content, arts, design. And raised it to higher levels.
2.    Achieved 100% of distribution.
3.    Attracted professional writers and artist to join in their work.
4.    Introduced new creative themes.
5.    Introduced special issue for preschoolers and called it Momtaz Issue.
6.    Created book club for readers.
7.    Established a special blog for the book club.
8.    Attracted talented children to participate in writing.
9.    Brainstormed with professionals for new ideas.
10.  Participated in book fairs and presenting special events for kids.
11.  Gave the readers opportunities to meet the writers and artists.
12.  Made different workshops for readers with a wide range of themes.
13.  Established an e- library for future articles and stories.
14.  Developed the filling systems
15.  E published the magazine on the web
3. My achievements as a writer
1.    Two comic books for children
2.    Short Play script book for middle school students
3.    Two cartoon films done as pilot projects
4.    14 broadcasted  radio plays for kids on Hawa Amman Radio station
5.    Many published short stories and essays for both kids and adults in local magazines and e- magazines
4. Projects under construction
I am working now on the first draft for Short story collection book for adults.

And as an agricultural and environmentalist I occupied the following positions:
1. Head of steering committee for the recycling project 2009
2. In charge for the city indicator website \ National bank 2009
3. Head of recycling division in "Under Secretary for Health and Environment Office" GAM .2007-2009.
4. GAM representative in Jordan Environment Society as a director for the recycling   project 2006.

5. Traffic Park Supervisor at Tlaa al Ali 2000 - 2006

6. Agricultural engineer in charge at Zaha Center 1998 - 2000

7. Head of landscaping subdivision in Tlaa Al Ali region 1996 - 1998

8. Supervisor in Toxicity Lab at Anti Vector Department 1990 – 1996.

  • Nominated to represent GAM in King Abdullah Award for excellence distinguished government employee for the current year after competing with all nominees from all GAM's departments and districts.
  • Coordinated and publicized Amman's indicators on the specialized website City indicators which were initiated by the World Bank. And achieved to put Amman on the world map as the first city in the Middle East and Europe that participates and publishes its indicators.
  • Winning the second place in the Saudi Arabia Kingdom Prize \ Arab Administrative Development Organization after suggesting the participation in the prize with Ghabawi Landfill for Solid Waste, successfully led documentation after a comprehensive study, analyzing, classifying and organizing the team work which achieved a very effective bilingual competing documents.
  • Represented GAM in the steering committee for the Middle East Recycling, Waste and Environmental Management Congress, RecShow '08, and assessed in choosing the topics for the lectures and the speakers and managing one of the sessions. Besides lecturing about the solid waste management practices in GAM.
  • Calculated the solid waste management cost in GAM for the year 2006 and addressed the CAPEX and OPEX expenditures which illustrated the weaknesses and helped to address the problems in the solid waste management and gave the power of information for the decision makers in their negotiations for PPP projects.
  • Guided the environmental awareness program, by lecturing about the disadvantages of compiling litter and the ideal ways to deal and manage solid wastes which achieved to motivate the public participation in recycling projects. And reached GAM's goal for raising environment & health awareness.
  • Developed and built good relationships with stakeholders at all levels ( Ministries, NGOs, education sector, private sector, industrial sector, and media)
  • While working as a Recycling Project Coordinator in the Jordan Environment Society, managed to convinces GAM Under Secretary for Health and Environmental Affairs to sign up an agreement that assured JES all the needed support for the recycling project. And that was done after a dedicated efforts and a well drafted agreement which influenced the project's achievements and increased the income from few hundreds to many thousands yearly.
  • While working at JES, achieved the awareness brochure for the recycling project which publicized the necessary information about recycling, and also facilitated and supervised a 2008 calendar which contained valuable information, and attained a full subsidy by GAM for publishing.

 Training Courses

1.    Cambridge International Diploma in lT Skills.
2.    Creative thinking 2008.
3.    Project management 2008.
4.    Drawing course for children books 2011
5.    Positive thinking 2011
6.    Inclusive journalism course (PETRA) 2012.
7.    Swaleef workshop for writing short stories for adults 2014
8.    ISO 14001:2004 Awareness training course on 2007
9.    SPSS Analytical statistics on 2007
10.  Managing social welfare programs on 2007
11.  Project Management on 2008
12.  Three series course in Strategies to Reducing the Social Impact on Citizens in Case of Earthquakes on 2009
13.  Auto Cad on 2000
14.  Landscaping on 2004
15.  Typing in Arabic and In English 2004
16.  E-Designing irrigation systems ON 2004
17.  Green lawns maintenance on 2005
18.  Environmental awareness 2006
19.  Leadership in solid waste management 2006
20.  Environmental economic instruments 2006
21.  Two courses in EIA (Environmental Impact assessment) on 2007
22.  CDM (clean development Management) on 2007
23.  Quality Management System Awareness on 2007

Computer skills
Fluent English

Extra Personal Skills
1.    Writing skills for adults and children; in all subjects; fiction and nonfiction fields.
2.    Have a great sense of good artworks and designs.
3.    Self educated in parenting and children academic and social needs.
4.    Excellent oratory skills
5.    Team leadership skills

Date of Birth: 1968
Nationality: Jordanian
Marital status: Married with two daughters (20 & 12 yrs old)
Retired from Greater Amman Municipality on April 2014

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