الأحد، 16 يونيو 2013

“One to Ten” Story for Kinder Garten children

 “One to Ten”
Story for Kinder Garten children

“Ooooh, Peep Peep, horray”.
Sounds of children in the classroom, they are playing. After that Miss Danielaopen the door.
“Good morning children” Daniela said
“Good morning teacher Daniela” children said
“ How are you dears?” Daniela asked
“ we are fine thank you teacher” children replied
“That’s okay, we shall start now, today we will writing the numbers one to ten” Daniela said
“ My teacher , I can write one to five only” Tom said
“ Bravo Tom, today you will know how to write new numbers with your friends” Daniela said
“ Teacher, are the numbers important for us?” Debbie said
“ Of course, there are very important in our life, because we use numbers in every thing” Daniela said
“ I used numbers with salesman to calculate money and change” Alice said
“ Very good Alice, it is important with salesman, another example my children?” Daniela asked
“ we have a head, a nose and a mouth, example for number one” Joan said
“ Excellent Joan” Daniela said
“ We have two eyes, two ears, two hands and two legs” Edward said
“ Yes Edward, excellent” Daniela said
“ We have five fingers in right hand and five fingers in left hand, five + five are ten” Linda said
“ Bravo Joan, Edward and Linda appluse for all dears” Danielaappluse
“ Heeey” children appluse
“ Now we will singing and writing the numbers, every one ready?” Daniela asked
“ Yes my teacher we are ready” children replied

One to Ten
Come on, Jenny
Come on, Ben
To write the numbers 1 to 10
Bravo Debbie
Alice perfect
Excellent Joan
Now we will write No. 10
Let's dears together sing again

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